so it's been a long time since I wrote. I have been thinking of getting back into it for a while now. Specially since so much has changed since I last wrote. One thing being I quit my job. I also have meet a lovely community of spoonie women who a lot seem to blog as well as vlog. Maybe I will get up the courage to someday vlog as well😊
I have spent the last 2 days doing loads of years and house work. My body isn't loving it but it feels good to accomplish something and help my hubby some what.
I tea dyed some clothes this week. I'm in love! I need more clothes that I can tea dye haha to bad a lot of my clothes are black and not light.
I am working on my skin. My face has never been an issue I never really have broken out bad even as a teen. But I decided since I am getting older I should start some regular skin care. So the first week or so my skin broke out now it seems not bad. It's just really rough almost like my arms and legs which have " chicken skin" it's a condition where it's almost like you have buildup in the hair follicles So you have red dots or bumps that appear where ever there is a pore or hair. I have been trying to work on that as well as its something I'm always felt worried or ashamed of and wear long sleeves and plants to cover. I tried exfoliated get and I think the scrub was to rough as my arms broke out in open sores all over. The Dr said to take Allergy pills at night so I don't scratch in my sleep and that's been helping clear up the sores. But we will see if it clears up the rest.
Also been working on clearing up my hands as they are covered in open sores and scars all over the knuckles. No Dr has been able to help me and I have tried everything I can think of. They assume it's an allergic reaction but now one knows what to. So I have been keeping them lotioned as often as I can so they stopped cracking as much but they still look horrible. My 2 year old nephew always takes my hands and says " ouch" and points to them all and kisses them. Then we all joke he could be there all day if he points to them all haha I'm really self conscious of it as well though as it looks like I have some sick skin condition and I have seen people pull away or look grossed out. And I don't blame them. I can't handle touching people's hands or seeing people's hands who have dry cracked skin it gives me the willies! That's the thing my hands are not dry except where they are open and even then not alway.
Well that's my ransom rant for the day apparently haha
Here's hoping I stick around longer this time 😊