Sunday, 31 May 2015

Monthly book review

Darkness of Light (Darkness series book 1) - Stacey Marie Brown
This book is about a girl who is struggling with some emotional issues. When she gets emotional especially angry weird things start to happen.

(Darkness series book 2) - Stacey Marie Brown
 Em starts to learn more about what she is and what's causing the disturbances. She's forced to learn fast when she is found to be at the centre of a war between king and queen of the other world.

The Sharp Time
The main characters mother died 8 months ago leaving her 18 and alone with no family. She is struggling with a the death and a situation school. when she starts a new job and makes friends with her coworker who shows her we all carry around some hurt with us but it's what you do with it that's important.

Jane is 30 and single. She's just about given up on finding a man cause no one can met her standards of being her mr Darcy. Her aunt passes away and leaves her a 3 week stay at a getaway in England where you live like in Austen's time. I personally lived this movie and enjoyed reading the book as well.

This book is about a 10 year old boy with cystic fibrosis who gets his wish granted by a foundation. It  is a good little book showing the struggles of a single parent family with a sick kid. Everyone finds out a little bit about them self on this trip.

Spelling it like it is - Tori Spelling
I always enjoy her books. She so straight forward and honest and funny. She knows how to laugh at life and her self and that important. It's a nice fun easy read.

Sad monsters - Frank Lesser
 this is a fun quick read. It shows the softer side of monsters like Godzilla, mummies and the wolf man. Definitely a good add to my quirky dark children book collection.

Expiration Date -  A collection of short stories
Only half done this one. I am enjoying breaking up my reading with these short stories.

Saturday, 30 May 2015

Review of

I made my first order off of it's a site where everything is $1. They have loads of makeup, hair accessories etc.
I'm hooked! It's only down fall was that it was just all shipped in a envelope. Since I got eyeshadow, nail polish and sun glasses I was worried some might be broken. But it was all wrapped with bubble wrap and everything showed up in one piece! The shipping took about 3 weeks for me in Canada.
I'm in love with everything I ordered! And even with shipping and converting it to Canadian currency  it all came out to under $2. I think if you live in the U.S. Or Canada it's worth looking into. It's pretty good quality and a large selection. It definitely saved me money that I would have spent on items at Walmart etc.

Friday, 29 May 2015

Monthly favourites for May

Book Outlet - My new online go to place to buy books. I got 20 books for $63 with shipping. Which works out cheaper then buying the from value village. Lots of newer and big total books and the selection is always changing.

Black Current Tea - I forget the brand name but I found it in my tea cabinet and it's wonderful. Very fruity tasting. I have been reaching for it a lot this month.

The Darkness and Light Series by Stacey Marie Brown - the first book was our free book for our online book club. As soon as I picked it up I couldn't put it down and I knew I had to get the next 2 books so I could continue straight thought to finish the series.

Garage sale season - May 23rd was our town wide garage sale I look forward to it every year. I love finding good deals on books etc it marks the beginning of garage sale season which it's always fun to stop by and see what people are selling. You never know what deals you will find.

Colourpop - I put in my first order with this brand and I'm in love! It's so cheap and such amazing pigmentation of their products. Lipstick $5 eyeshadow $5 really how can you go wrong. Looking to make another order if anyone wants to go in on one and split shipping let me know. :)

Thursday, 28 May 2015

3d nails

I got some new nail polish today and it also happened to be nail painting day which worked out well. 
I have never tried a 3d polish so I didn't know what to expect. But I am in love! It is in the color biker chic which is a black/ silver with some glitter and texture in it. I only needed one coat and even with a top coat you can still feel the texture. It feels like sand or very fine sand paper. I'm really loving this look and color. 

Tuesday, 26 May 2015

Empties for May

Young Living Essential Oils - lemon, lavender and peppermint
Lemon - I use in water to brighten it up or also as a mixture to defuse around the house as it smells so fresh.
Lavender - I use it to defuse at night time as well as I put some on our pillows to help us sleep better. Also I use it to help with redness and irritation on my hand cause it's really great for healing. And lastly if I am feeling anxious it's also good to defuse and I feel my heart slowing to a regular beat shortly after I start defusing it.
Peppermint - I use this in combination with some others to help with sore muscles as well as to help when I feel sick to my stomach.

Hey! Mr Mister by Hard Candy - I love this body mist and use it everyday after my bath or shower and before I go out. It's black orchid and vanilla and it just smells amazing.

I Love... Mango and Papaya body wash - was a gift from a friend in the UK it smelled fruity and made decent amount of bubble.

Chocolate Face Mask - a gift from Katie. It was a nice treat I really should do more face masks. My skin felt so soft after.

Sunscreen 60 Sport - I have already used a whole bottle of spray on sun screen this year.the few days I for got it i got a sun burn so I have been trying to be extra good about putting it on even if I'm only out side a little.

Monday, 25 May 2015

Dinner review of Carnaval Brazilian BBQ restaurant

So today is my muffins birthday. Happy birthday muffin! As part of the celebration we went to Carnaval Brazilian BBQ. We had been once before when it first opened and had enjoyed it. We figured his birthday was a good reason to go again since it is a bit pricier of a place. But it's definitely worth it for a special evening. It cost about $50 a person if you chose to eat up stairs and do the all you can eat meat served by gauchos. It's a fun experience but go hungry! You can order as many sides as you want and that's included in the price. Beverages are extra. And they have a huge grill going with all sorts of types of steak, lamb, chicken and pork. Some are marinated some are bacon wrapped. It's really a nice selection of food. Really there is something for everyone.

You are given a coaster that one side is red and one is green and you turn it to green when you want the gauchos to stop at your table and red when you need a little break. I personally love the grilled pineapple they make its just seasoned with cinnamon and and the pineapple tastes fantastic the sweetness of the pineapple really comes out so you don't need any sugar on it. This time I was also smarter and got a small bowl of mixed greens to break up the meat so I didn't feel like I had a brick in my stomach. It worked much  better. I think everyone enjoyed them self and the staff at Carnaval both times ate so helpful and amazing. They wanna make sure you enjoy your time there and get what kinds of meat you get. If you want just chicken just tell them and they will bring you that.  They also have rare, medium and well done for the red meat so if you like the cut but it to rare you just ask and they come back.

Having the gauchos carving the meat right at the table for you is such a fun experience. It's fun to interact with the staff and you are eating family style sharing your sides with everyone you came with so its a really fun experience. The one down fall is definitely they price but the setting and good both make it worth it got a special occasion.

Friday, 22 May 2015

I secretly wish I was goth

since it's world goth day I thought I would share my secret.... Which to some may not be such a secret. I have always been darkly inclined as a child I wanted to be Wednesday Addams. I dressed as her  for Halloween. I loved all the spooky kinds movies and have always gravitated toward the paranormal. My colors are always red and black. I would have taken a plunge to dress full goth but my family was not loving me even being interested in afterlife, past lives, tattoos, piercings and anything with skulls. Even still my closet is all black and red and full of skulls and spiders etc. I have decided I am Ok with being who I am and being into Halloween and creepy stuff and I own it now.  I don't need to put a label or limit my self. I like what I like and that makes me who I am. Accept me for that skeletons and all

Wednesday, 20 May 2015

Book outlet order

I recently found out about book outlet and I found so many books in their bargain book section. I love to read and like tea you can ever have to many books! It worked out after shipping to $3 a book which is amazing since most are hardcover. That works out cheaper then buying books at value village. I have another order coming  which I can't wait for. I have already finished 2 books since this one has arrived.
There are a lot worse things to have then a stack of books to read. Do you have a TBR list?

Tuesday, 19 May 2015

Colourpop order

I have heard a lot about Colourpop so I decided I would check it out and see if it was worth the hype.
First off their prices are incredible! $5 for lipstick $5 for shadows $8 for highlights and blushes. Seriously you can't go wrong with those prices. And with those prices I feel people are more willing to go out on a limb and try some wild colors. They have such a wide range of colors. I didn't know what to get so I started small I ordered 4 items.
Here is what I ordered.
Lippie stix - Ellarie
Super shock cheek - Stole the Show
Super shock shadow - I Heart This
Super shock shadow - Hammered
I was blow away with how smooth and soft the product is and the pigmentation is insane! All the products stay on super well the shadows specifically don't smudge, smear or fade over the day which is something I'm always looking for. I can see my self making another order I the future. The swatches are all one swipe so you can see how pigmented they are. I really can't wait to get my hands on more of their products to try.

Monday, 18 May 2015

Cleaning house

Colder days call for cleaning the house. While some things are I your regular house cleaning routine like vacuuming, laundry and dusting. Other things don't get done as regularly. I personally try and wash the carpets every month or two because we have dogs going in and out of the house. We are lucky we have a carpet cleaner. I also try and clean our microwave every few months. Besides wiping it down and cleaning the glass plate I also run it with a cup of vinaigrette inside. This takes all the smells away and also makes it easier to wipe clean inside. While I am doing this quarterly clean I take the dishwasher apart. I know people Re always like what you have to clean your dishwasher? Yes you do! It gets gross if you you don't. It won't clean as well and with my allergies I like to keep it clean so I don't get cross contamination. It's really easy to clean and I suggest you try just google cleaning your dishwasher and you will find lots of links that will help. I guarantee you will start doing this at least once a year once you see the build up that can collect in there. 

My name is Zombiemuffin and I .....

My name is Zombiemuffin and I am a tea addict. To people who know me well this is not a surprise. One look at my tea collection and you can see I have a problem. I have more tea then I can drink. Which I don't see as a problem I see it as more of a challenge! I like having choices of what I feel like drinking. A tea for every mood and something for everyone when they come to visit. I have tea from all over the world. People bring me tea back from trips and I have people from all over the world who have been kind enough to send me tea. Personally I think there are worse things I could be addicted to! Tea has a lot of added health benefits and you can have tea that helps you sleep or lose weight. Are you a tea drinker? If so what's your favourite tea at the moment?
Some is over flowed on the counter and this shelf is all double  rows 

Saturday, 16 May 2015

Give me all the books!

I'm on a real reading and book kick right now. I really love reading anything  I will always give a book a chance and it's only very very rarely I don't finish a book. I just want all the books and just time to read them! Give me all the books! And give me time to read them:) I don't think that's to much to ask for. What do you like reading? Any favourite authors or books? I'm always on the look out for suggestions :)
Right now I am reading the Darkness series by Stacey Marie Brown. It's really got me hooked I can't put them down I started of Friday and I'm already part way through the second one.

Thursday, 14 May 2015

Dinner and a show #2

ok so this time we didn't go for dinner first. The show was footloose and it was put on by piper pride productions which was formed for John Taylor alumni.
You can check out this up coming shows here
We got there about 5 min before the show started which was fine cause we had our tickets right down in the front row just how I like it. I had seen rainbowstages production of footloose so I knew what to expect compared to the movie. 
I personally knew about 5 people who were in this production all of which are very talented. It's good that they started something like this so theatre doesn't have to stop for people after high school. In less you were aiming for a acting career there didn't seem to be much of options. This is a wonderful middle ground for people who still would like to be performing but not doing it as a career. 
The play was wonderful. If I had to pick one down fall it was that it was hard to hear some of the cast but even then I was close enough so I could still hear. The costumes were so bright and colourful they really caught your eye and the dancing was great they even did a number with jump ropes! 
The singing was seriously amazing! We have some very talented people in our city and they were not lacking in this production. 
I'm looking forward to seeing future productions by piper pride productions as I imagine they also will be wonderful. 
Up coming shows The Snow Queen Dec 27-30 2015
And Smokey Joe's Cafe May 2016

Return of the bunny

3 years ago muffin found a rabbit den that he almost mowed over. He ended up saving all the bunnies. The mother lives under our gazebo. She likes to come out and eat some of my flowers etc. no big deal it's not a crazy amount and I fence in my garden so that's ok. Well last summer muffin was playing PS3, the dogs were inside and he noticed something poke it's head in the doggy door. And here it was little miss bunny checking things out. She has no problem coming up close when the dogs are out side or when I am gardening. Well today she came up to the front door and knocked. Ok well she didn't knock but she butted herself up agents the door and hung out around the door and window for about and hour. The dogs didn't mind tell she started to run away then they got upset. She didn't seem to mind me opening the window to say hi and when I opened the door she only ran about a foot away. I think someone wants to come live with us! Haha

Wednesday, 13 May 2015

Tree cutting day!

So we have been doing a lot of yard work since it is spring. Ripped out a old falling over trellis, pulling some weeds and mostly cutting down some trees. We have 15 trees that are dying near our house that we need to cut down. It's definitely need and not want! We have had the top 12-18 feet of some of the trees rip off in wind storms and fall down luckily never hitting anything yet! So we wanted to get them down or at least some before they do create damage in a storm.
So as I did some smaller work around the yard my muffin cut 5 trees which makes a pretty good start :) Also that means lots of extra fire wood for bon fires.

Tuesday, 12 May 2015

Australis Velourlips = true love

So my friend from Australia has talked about these heaps they sounded so good I had to try them. So they went on sale and I asked her to send me some. Cause they were on sale even with shipping they were cheaper then a lot of other matte lip creams. I got 2 for less then I would pay for one of some name brands.

So as I stated they are a matte lip cream. My first impression was wow the colors! Upon opening them you are struck right away with a kinda fruity smell. The smell is amazing! The pigmentation when applied is out of this world. It drys pretty fast and  leaves you with a faint hint of the smell. They don't smudge or rub off so you don't need to worry about your lipstick needing to be reapplied. They don't feel like they dry your lips out the way some matte products can which is always a plus.
Over all these seem amazing so far. And I look forward to trying more from the Australis brand :) and would definitely suggest these to anyone.

Monday, 11 May 2015

books creepy books...

So it's no secret I like to read anything and everything. It's even more common knowledge I love true crime book. I find the fascinating I always have. So here are some of the most recent reads I have started this half of the year off with.

I have already talked about this one I love the idea of creepy children with special abilities so this was right up my ally! 

This one was recommended by one of my spoonie friends Bridget. It's the story of the west Memphis 3. I didn't know much about this case but I do now! This is such an good read but it's jam packed with facts. Definitely not a light read. 

I picked up Elizabeth smarts book and upon finishing it in one sitting I decided I wanted to read her parents side of the story. It's really amazing how at a young age she was able to stay so strong and has been able to use the horrible situation to help others. I actually remember hearing about this one on the new. So it was interesting to see how it pieced together with what I remembered that was in the news.

I am currently reading this one. I wanted to see how it compared to the show. And figured it was a good idea to do leading up to season 3.

I ordered this on Amazon not knowing the story. I never heard about her kidnapping. I don't know if I wasn't paying attention as I was younger or if we didn't hear much about it cause it happened in Europe. Once again it's amazing how she stayed so strong.

Don't judge us and leave us behind

May 12th is ME awareness day. 

ME stands for Myalgic Encephalomyelitis also known as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome or CFS.
This is one of the conditions I suffer from. It causes fatigue that is not relived by sleep. 

Life wasn't always like this for me. Looking back I remember having an active social life while working 40-60 hours a week. After work I would still go out and socialize and be up to all hours of the morning just to do it all over again.  It was not a quick switch it happened gradually. At first I just assumed everyone felt like crap after working really hard and long hours. Then came the time I couldn't deny something was wrong any more. Lifting my head off a pillow seemed near impossible not to mention daily tasks. It wasn't just fatigue but horrible pain that was making me sick and dizzy.  I talked to my Dr and was sent to be tested by a specialist for fibromyalgia. I was in so much pain I couldn't walk or sit down. Someone giving me a simple greeting with a hand on my shoulder would send me in to a dizzying spin. The specialist diagnosed me with fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome and myofacial pain syndrome. 

This was back about 5 years ago now and people still don't seem to understand the conditions. People think cause they know someone who has it or have read or heard about it and some quick fix. So I must not be trying enough to "get better". Despite what people think I don't like being sick! That's what I try every remedy and trick people say works. It's why I work with a team of Drs and medical professionals. They know and I know it's a long road to finding where you can live and manage a semi normal life with these conditions.  I am so lucky I have such a great team helping me. 

If I could say one thing is missing it is understanding of invisible illnesses from society. Just cause I'm young doesn't mean I'm not in pain and I'm not suffering. Don't judge the young person walking with a cane. Don't judge the person who looks over weight and you think they just pig out on junk. Don't judge the person using handicap parking. You don't know their story you don't know their pain. In all likely hood they feel bad enough about there meds causing weight gain or having to use a mobility aid. 

It's not even just the people you don't know. You may know people who don't talk about their suffering. That friend that's a flake and never seems to come out. Maybe they are to tired and know it's unsafe to be driving. I have been that friend who says no and slowly gets forgotten and never asked to hang out cause people thought/ think I just don't want to. Well you know what most days it takes all my strength to get dressed. And just sitting with people in my own home chatting for and hour or so is enough to lay me up for sometimes days. It just takes all my energy. 

What I want you to know as someone with chronic illnesses is no we aren't flakes. We are trying to look after our self. Please remember and still ask us to do things even if we often can't. And definitely please don't judge us and write us off with out at least talking to us and getting the whole story. Education is key. If you understood and knew what we were dealing with maybe you wouldn't say those pointed comments. Or wouldn't stop calling. And those of you who do ask questions and try to understand. Know you are one I a million. And we cherish having someone like you who supports us and try to understand. You will never know how much it means for us to have you so one who didn't write us off. 
Thank you. 

Sunday, 10 May 2015

Dinner and a show #1

Spring is officially here! It's theatre season :)  I have tickets to I believe 6 over the spring and summer. So with out further ado lets dive into the first one.

My muffin was out of town so he took me to dinner before the show. We went to Original Joe's. I had a very lovely salad. Muffin dropped me off at our friends house. Their son was in the play. They were once enough to drive me.
The play was the Sound of Music presented by Westwood collegiate. Our friends son was playing Captain Von Trapp. When we arrived at our seats each of us found a brown paper bag tied up with string. Inside was the words for us to sing along with Edelweiss, little white fake flowers to wave about when they are on the mountain and a scrap of green fabric to wave about when the kids are wearing  their outfits made out of curtains. There were also goats  that would come out and tell up to sing along etc.
It was really fun and interesting. It's the first time I had seen the musical The Sound of Music. I have seen the movie so many times and know all the songs. Musicals are always a little different then the book or movie. I definitely enjoyed it and loved the little added but with the goats goofing off in the back ground and encouraging us involved. Interactive plays and musicals are a big thing right now and it definitely added and extra quality to the night.
The only down fall was that the sound system seemed to be acting up. Besides that I personally found it hot. But it's that time of year where you don't know when to turn the air on or heat off cause it's hot during the day and cold at night.
I was blown away at how great some of the kids were in the musical. There is some real talent and I hope to go to see my friends son in his next few plays over the years as I can imagine they will be just as good if not better!

Saturday, 9 May 2015

A-Z spoonie tag

A - appreciation
Dealing with being sick makes you appreciate what you do have and the good days you have.
B - blood tests
Lots of blood work to check for all sorts of different things. Including yearly testing
C - celiac
Inability to digest the gluten protein. Lots of other health issues as a result are caused by having this condition specially if untreated.
D - doctors
Constantly having Dr appointments to check in on meds or just how you are doing.
E - energy
You learn to manage your energy wisely and not over exert your self.
F - fatigue
Otherwise the fatigue is uncontrollable.
G - grieving
Over missing out on thing put with your friends and often the simple things in life.
H- health
You look at health differently. And don't take it for granted
I - insomnia
Always having a hard time sleeping either cause of pain or just because.
J - jokes
Keeping up your sense of humour is important. Try and keep things light at time so you don't get down on your self.
K - kindness
You become kinder to others cause you know no all pain is visible. And you appreciate when people are kind to you.
L -  loss
The loss of your youth or old life can be hard to deal with. Which is also where grieving comes in.
M - memory
Fibro makes it hard to concentrate and focus. often it's hard to remember things. Which is horrible cause I generally have great memory
N - negativity
It's hard not to get down on your self and think negatively about everything
O - over active imagination
Often kept awake from thinking what will happen or what could often to little things that don't even matter.
P - positivity
Staying positive is key. It's hard but it is a must. Think of something good about your self or the day. It can be enough to keep you going.
Q - questions
So many questions about what will happen and what is going on with your health. Waiting for the questions to be answered can seem near impossible
R - relax
Staying relaxed is important. Stress makes many health conditions worse. So staying relaxed can help you reduce or avoid a flair sometimes
S - strain
Both on your body and on relationships. You will find out who is a real friend. And you will definitely find out what your body can do and what is so much of a strain on your body.
T - talk
Talking about health issues and raising awareness is so important. Educating people so they know how to treat people and what someone with your illness is going through.
U - ups and downs
You are gonna have ups and downs. You need to learn how to work with them. And how to deal with having them and not letting them stop your every day life.
V - vision
My vision and hearing have gotten really sensitive.
W - weight
Weight gain from meds and from not being as mobile. It's hard not to beat your self up over it but it's part of chronic illness.
X - x-rays
Part of being a spoonie is always going for tests.
Y - youth
Felling like you lost or missed out on your youth and suddenly are way older is definitely part of being a spoonie.
Z - zzzz The struggle is real! Always feeling tired but never being able to get a good sleep

Thursday, 7 May 2015

I'm only happy when it rains

its been raining for 2 days it's a nice break. Rain means no yard work. I have been relaxing and doing more inside stuff. Cleaning the cars, vacuuming the house and reading.  The dogs have been happy mommy bear while she watches American horror story which I am in LOVE with! Every season is just as good as the last. I only have a few more more episodes in season 4 left. I don't know what I'm gonna do tell season 5 starts.
Speaking of my puppies I have a sweet little Moxxi who is wanting to snuggle mom while she is typing. She is snuggled in and around my arm like she is trying to see what I am doing.
The rain also has given me time to read. I finished Mennonite in the black dress which was a nice light hearted fairly easy read. Also I am almost done Hollow City. I can't wait to see the books made into movies. They are really interesting I love the old looking photos in each book.  I can't wait to see how this book ends I have just over a hundred pages left.
The rain also means I don't need to water my plants and garden. The honey berry bush I got for $2 last year cause it was half dead is doing amazing! It really came out when we had a few hot days. On the hot days mater has gotten good being off his leash in the yard. He fallows me around and likes to help me water by peeing on or near where I am watering my plants etc. He's so silly. Last year muffin would put him in the garden and he would go along eating beans and peas. It's really cute. I hope to get a video or picture of it this year.
Anyways back to my snuggle bugs

Wednesday, 6 May 2015

April favourites

Here are a few things I have been loving over the past month

First off American horror story - I don't know what took me so long to get to this party but I'm addicted! I'm already on season 4 and I started the series the beging of the month.

The second book in miss peregrine's peculiar children series hollow city - I love anything strange, weird or creepy so this is right up my ally. With the old style photos and the peculiars in the book.

Equate invigorating facial cleanser - So I really haven't done anything with my face my whole life. No skin care not even really washed it besides in the shower.  But now that I'm to a certain age I feel like I should be doing something. So I started with this my skin broke out in a few places the first week and now it's fine and it's way smoother looking. Not so many bumps or redness.

Mary Kay's botanical moisturizer - same idea as the cleanser I decided in the winter I should fight the dry skin so I bought this. It makes my skin feel soft and not greasy

Hard Candy's Hey Mr Mister - I have had this for ages and it smells sooo goods! It's black orchids and vanilla and I just love the smell.

Hard Candy's Moonstone Blush - this is the first blush I have ever owned. For some reason I was always scared of blush I think it's from my years of dance when we had it on so think we looked like clowns. But that's stage make up and this is perfect for my fair complexion. And it give me a sort of  glow that I love.

Annabelle Grapefruit Lip Balm -  as someone with chronic illnesses. I still like to no look dead even if it's just me and hubby lazing around the house. I find this great as it give a little color but it takes no effort. And again if people stop on by I don't feel as completely trash bag looking even if I'm in lounging clothes with that tiny pop of color.

My new phone - I got a new iPhone 6. My 4s was so slow and half not working. So hubby decided since he was getting a new phone we should get me one as well. It was a great choice and I love it.

And lastly lip balm #7 - Katie sent this to me from the UK and I have it sitting here with me books. I have been using while I have been reading and doing paper work today and it goes on so smooth and my lips feel so soft. I have never had a lip balm that is this smooth it's amazing.

So that it for today monkey butts! See you on the flip side

Mail day! MUA and Mandara and sooo much more!

sent to get the mail today and I had a lovely letter from a spoonie friend and an amazing package from an amazing spoonie sister from the UK!
She was right on with everything she picked for me😊 I am especially loving the MUA lip boom. It looks amazing and smells divine! I think I'm gonna have to get my hands on some more of their products. Specialy if they all smell so good! Haha
Also she sent a few Mandara Spa items and once again they smelled soooo good! I opened the box and this is the first thing I smelled. The lotion doesn't just smell amazing but left my hands so soft. And the smell lingers with you which is nice. You can definitely feel the quality of these products.
Once again I'm gonna need to look into getting my hands on more of these products when I use them up. They are in the sent amber heaven and I just can't get over how good it smells!
I could go on and on about everything in this package. Like I said it feels like she knows me so well with what she picked! She also makes jewelry and made me the most precious bracelet which is perfect for me!

Tuesday, 5 May 2015


I'm feeling pretty crummy today so all I did was water the garden, washed the sliding doors, check the mail, vacuums both cars and washed mine.
I hope to get some reading done and maybe finish waxing my legs. I have had laser hair removal so I just wax the blond  hairs 2-3 times a year cause I'm crazy and don't like hair on arms, legs etc
I did a lot around the house and yard the past few days. So I feel kinda lazy today.
Tomorrow night is my nephews 2nd ball game. It's just down the street from me so I wanna  go and have some energy.
I'm excited for my color pop order the colors are so beautiful and it's all really good  prices!
Might need to find someone to go in on an order together. Cause there are so many items I wanna try.

Monday, 4 May 2015

My garden...

Well I started planting my garden this week. It's nice to get it in a few weeks early! So far I planted spinach, kale, lettuce, turnip, carrots, green beans, yellow beans, purple beans, peas, cucumbers, patty pan squash, butternut squash,  acorn squash, spaghetti squash, radishes, honeydew and cantaloupe.
Today I hope to plant the white pumpkins and 2 types of potatoes. My rhubarb is finally doing good. Kirk usually mows it over. I think it's cause he hates it! Haha my hunky berry bush is doing amazing for a sale item that looked half dead last year. My blueberry bush is just starting and I think my pink lemonade blue berries as well. I have 30 strawberry plants some are up. Others I moved so I hope they took well and didn't die from winter. And my 2 raspberry bushes are still tiny. But they were like dead  twigs when they hit planted 3 years ago.
My garden is all fenced in so the bunnies don't eat it. And I used chicken wire as well to make trellis got the beans and peas etc to climb so I can have more space. I really want more permanent vertical gardening system some day.
I can't wait to have fresh veggies every day again 😊

Why do I

why do I keep buying make up when I'm so horrible at putting it on?! Someone wanna come and do my make up every day?  Or teach me? I have slowly been doing more. I bought a brow pencil and my first blush and have been using those. So yeah I'm slowly branching out. I just can't do eyes  they always look horrific! I don't know what it is 😕 muffin doesn't like me in make up any ways. Which I know everyone says  oh guys just say that. But no anytime I wear makeup he's like " urg why you don't need yo you look better with out!"which is nice of him to think haha I asked my mother in law about this. She sells Avon and every year my stocking is full of make up I have so many eye liners and mascara's. She said his dad is the same way and always has been. He would always tell her she didn't need make up and was better with out. So I guess it's in his blood haha
But I like to wear alittle to make my self feel better about my self. Specially with my weight being  an issue right now it really makes me feel a little less grotesque.
Now to just learn to use it and I guess practise!

Saturday, 2 May 2015

Mr sun

I have spent so much time in the yard this week and I got heat stroke and sun burnt to prove it!
I rakes up some leaves, pulled out some small trees, picked up branches, pulled grass, watered my gardens and planted some of my garden.
I love being in the yard and surprisingly I worked 2 full days 10am to7 pm. I did have to take it easy on day 3.  But it was mostly so to the sun stroke and burn surprisingly.  My medical team has been amazing at getting me to this point. So I can at least sometimes help my hubby in the yard.
I'm hoping while he's gone I can take down a trellis and rip out the vines, plant the rest of my garden and plant some more wild flowers etc. I also have some plans to clean in the house.
I'm hoping my body holds up. I always pace my self and sometimes it seems like months tell I am well enough to help out. But summer is always better cause it's warm as long as I pace my self.
Remembering to do my exercises is also so important. I think the fatigue is the worst. Still haven't found a way to deal with that. But maybe in time.

And he's off again!

Hubby worked at 4 am and is home now 930am to do some yard work and get garbage to the dump as he's off to Calgary for work again. He's been requested to go out there a lot to help set up some stuff. It's been great for him. It really looks good that they want him specially while he's applying for jobs to move with in the company.
I'm hoping to get some yard and house work done while he's gone since he's been so amazing and even took time to replace the 4 out side lights for me before he left.
He's just the bestest