I have already talked about this one I love the idea of creepy children with special abilities so this was right up my ally!
This one was recommended by one of my spoonie friends Bridget. It's the story of the west Memphis 3. I didn't know much about this case but I do now! This is such an good read but it's jam packed with facts. Definitely not a light read.
I picked up Elizabeth smarts book and upon finishing it in one sitting I decided I wanted to read her parents side of the story. It's really amazing how at a young age she was able to stay so strong and has been able to use the horrible situation to help others. I actually remember hearing about this one on the new. So it was interesting to see how it pieced together with what I remembered that was in the news.

I am currently reading this one. I wanted to see how it compared to the show. And figured it was a good idea to do leading up to season 3.

I ordered this on Amazon not knowing the story. I never heard about her kidnapping. I don't know if I wasn't paying attention as I was younger or if we didn't hear much about it cause it happened in Europe. Once again it's amazing how she stayed so strong.

Are you seeing a trend here? I tend to go in cycles and read about things in groups. Right now it's kidnappings. It's been serial killers before. This one was a really interesting read and it makes me wanna hear the story the other 2 girls would have to tell. It was a horrific story which I don't remember hearing much about probably cause the Elisabeth smart case was over shadowing it. I love all types of books but I really like real life stories and bios. As well as anything unusual, creepy and weird. Like I said it's what I have always liked and even studied sociology, psychology and criminology in university. So no wonder I finds these types of book so interesting. Stay spookie my friends
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