Monday, 18 May 2015

Cleaning house

Colder days call for cleaning the house. While some things are I your regular house cleaning routine like vacuuming, laundry and dusting. Other things don't get done as regularly. I personally try and wash the carpets every month or two because we have dogs going in and out of the house. We are lucky we have a carpet cleaner. I also try and clean our microwave every few months. Besides wiping it down and cleaning the glass plate I also run it with a cup of vinaigrette inside. This takes all the smells away and also makes it easier to wipe clean inside. While I am doing this quarterly clean I take the dishwasher apart. I know people Re always like what you have to clean your dishwasher? Yes you do! It gets gross if you you don't. It won't clean as well and with my allergies I like to keep it clean so I don't get cross contamination. It's really easy to clean and I suggest you try just google cleaning your dishwasher and you will find lots of links that will help. I guarantee you will start doing this at least once a year once you see the build up that can collect in there. 

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