Saturday 1 August 2015

mourning your former self/ life

I have gotten to a point with my health declining that I didn't even recognize my self from pictures a few years ago. My skin, hair and eyes glow and look healthy. I was a lot thinner even though I thought I was really over weight.  Looking at these pictures is really upsetting for me.  Thinking of how far I have declined and how I might never look like that again. My nephew told me the pictures we had on our wall couldn't be me cause the person looked so different and I was so much bigger. That was a really low point. I know he's just little but kids often speak truth. That's when I realised I don't even look like the same person and I can't do the things I use to and I need to come to terms with this so I can move on and move forward. I can't keep looking back and longing for what was and what I could do. I am chronically ill and that has changed my path. I am in pain every day and I need to make peace with not being who I was and not being able to do what I could. I didn't choose this life. But it's the life I was given and I need to make the best of it. I took most of those old photos down. I'm gonna put newer ones up. From the happy moments  of this life I have being in pain and sick every day.

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