Saturday 12 March 2016

Dealing with set backs

it's hard to realize hey I'm 30 something and I can't do everything my mind wants to or even what people 20+ years older then me are able to. Going out for dinner or to an appointment can put me in bed for days. I have to be really careful cause my immune system is low so I get sick almost every time I am around young kids or someone who is sick. It's easy to beset back and not be able to keep up with my daily routine.  A day like today is gonna be killer. I have a massage, dr appointment and then have to pick up my prescriptions. That there is enough to send me into a flair and need days of rest. But everyone is going out to watch the boys at bowling. I wanna go. It's what I have to do if I wanna have any sort of social life. I need to rest before hand and to rest for days after. I often will be exhausted and sore, dizzy, brain fog, my voice will even often be gone. These are just a few of the symptoms not even close to all of them. It's best explained as feeling like I have been hit by a truck and like being hungover and having the flu at the same time. This is my reality most days. Even just doing to many of my exercises, or doing the laundry or dishes can put me into a flair. It's just how my life is now pacing  is a must. Limiting what I do and especially stress is key. It's hard to find that medium ground where you  can be physically and do things but don't end up in a flair. Something like being on a trip can set me back weeks. I have been trying to get back into my routine but it is like starting from scratch. I was up to walking 49 min every day and I'm down to 15-25 min again. It's all about finding a balance between what you can do and your body can handle. I know my body can't handle as much as most people so I just have to deal with that.

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