Tuesday 29 March 2016

Spring cleaning

Why do we as humans feel we need so much stuff. I am constantly cleaning and sending stuff to goodwill. But even still I am doing a huge spring clean right now and I was able to get 2 huge garbage bags for good will and 2 for garbage and recycling and I'm not even done yet. It's just crazy how much stuff we collect or feel like we need. Growing up in a house that was so full it easily could house 3 houses and did when my parents split up they both had enough for their houses and didn't need to buy much if anything and we still took van loads to the good will. Growing up in a house like that made me not want to save things and live with walls made of Rubbermaid bins of stuff we think we need to save. What good is it doing us? It makes me feel panicked when things are over crowded. We have storage we haven't even started to use in our house and when people see or hear that they are shocked. It bothers me to think of all they money wasted buying things even small things like $2 here $5 it adds up fast. And it seems like so many of us send so much of it to the dump or good will. I am trying to be more concise as a consumer and buying more of what I need and less of what I think I need and just really want. I'm not saying treating your self to something is bad. But every time we are out do we need to buy that magazine or coffee? Do we need that 8th black shirt? I think more of us need to think before we spend.

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