Tuesday 9 June 2015

Spring cleaning

I'm trying hard to simplify my life. If we don't need it or use it we don't keep it around. We have a few things for sentimental reasons. People are usury surprised with how little we own. But lately I feel like we own a lot. Maybe it's cause I have been cleaning and sorting through things. Or maybe it's cause I spend more time at home now. We always have a bag going for the homeless and the good will.
I think I constantly feel I need to clean and weed through things cause I grew up in a house where nothing was throw out. You would come home from school and a new dresser or end table would be in you bed room. Things were ever changing trying to fit it and mash it together. When my grandma died my parents moved most of her belongings including couches half ways across Canada. As a result we have 3-4 couches in the basement and some arm chairs. Lucky we had the space. But really is that what we do as people buy bigger and fill all the space and then just buy a bigger space again. I don't get it sometimes you need to let go. A couch is just a couch you have the memories of the loved one who owned it so why keep everything. Keep a few things that really matter to you.
I love the feeling of cleaning and getting rid of stuff. It makes me feel light and like it's somewhat of a fresh start. Anyone else love cleaning?

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